Sala Sundays with Omar Medina

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Latinx in Publishing (LxP): What do you do?

Omar Medina (OM): I have been an intern this summer with LxP, working with their marking (for example making these blog posts!) I am also a rising junior at Santa Clara University, majoring in Communication & Spanish!

LxP: How did you get started?

OM: Honestly it was a bit of a stroke of luck! My school was offering funding to do internships or research projects with organizations that relate to what we’re passionate about, and decided to apply for it! I also reached out to LxP to see if they were in need of interns, and everything just came together perfectly!

LxP: What do you wish you knew before getting into the industry?

EQ: I’m honestly just surprised by the variety of careers within the publishing industry, I had previously only really known about authors, editors and literary agents, but now after seeing so many cool professionals connected with LxP, I’m learning about other areas in the industry!

LxP: What book are you currently working on or reading?

OM: I’ve gotten really interested in traveling and study abroad, so I'm currently reading How to Travel the World on $50 a Day by Matthew Kepnes. I also just got Fifteen Hundred Miles from the Sun by Jonny Garza Villa from the library, so that’s next on my TBR!

Omar Medina (he/him) is a student at Santa Clara University studying Communication & Spanish, and a summer marketing intern with Latinx in Publishing. Originally from Denver, CO, Omar grew up loving to read and wanted to be a writer before he realized how hard writing actually is. He is passionate about increasing diversity in media (including publishing) and in his free time loves to go on runs and watch shows and movies.