#SalaSundays with Lauren T. Davila

Lauren T. Davila hosted our Instagram, on July 9, 2023 for our weekly #SalaSundays series. Below are a few questions that we asked Lauren.

Latinx In Publishing (LxP): What do you do?

Lauren Davila (LTD): I am currently an author, Acquisitions Editor, and anthologist focusing on representative genre work across multiple age groups.

LxP: How did you get started?

(LTD): I have always been a huge reader but didn't start to dive into writing myself until enrolled in my undergraduate college. There, I took a few creative writing classes in association with my English Literature and Journalism tracks. I dove headfirst into poetry and fiction, eventually enrolling in a fantastic MFA program and then moving into the publishing world.

LxP: What do you wish you knew before getting into the industry?

(LTD): I think one thing I wish I knew was how much gusto you have to have for the work you are producing. It's difficult to be working and creating in an industry where so much (honestly almost everything) is totally out of your control. From querying to editing to going on sub, so much of your own personal success becomes wrapped up in others and outside affirmation. My main advice to writers starting out is to work on yourself and your self-care as much as you possibly can.

LxP: What book are you currently working on or reading?

(LTD): I'm currently on deadline working on a revision for my agent for what will hopefully be my debut novel AT THE STILL POINTE. It features some powerful ballet dancers trying to solve a string of murders before one of them is next. Oh, and they may just so happen to be possessed by the Greek Furies. Just another day in the life of a ballerina, you know?

Lauren T. Davila (she/her/ella) is a Pushcart-nominated author and anthologist represented by Susan Velazquez Colmant at JABberwocky Literary Agency. Besides short fiction and poetry, she has edited multiple fiction anthologies including PLACES WE BUILD IN THE UNIVERSE (Flowersong Press 2023) and TO ROOT SOMEWHERE BEAUTIFUL (Outland Entertainment 2024). She holds an MA in English from Claremont Graduate University and an MFA in Creative Writing from George Mason University. She is also the Acquisitions Editor for Inked In Gray Press and is actively acquiring genre fiction from historically marginalized authors. Lauren lives in the greater Los Angeles area where you can find her swimming, walking her golden retriever, and drinking one too many decaf lattes.