6 Kidlit Latinx Editors Literary Agents Should Be Pitching

Happy Latinx Heritage Month mi gente! This month, I’ll be placing a spotlight on some of publishing’s Latinx professionals working in the book industry. We’re kicking off the series with a list of six kidlit editors that literary agents should be pitching. Read on to learn more about these editors along with what they are looking for in regards to their manuscript wishlists.


Carolina Ortiz, Associate Editor, HarperCollins Children’s

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Carolina Ortiz is an associate editor at HarperCollins Children’s. She works on a variety of projects but primarily focuses on middle grade, young adult, and graphic novels. With a special place in her heart for Latinx and queer stories, Carolina is excitingly building a list that reflects the diverse world around us and that will allow readers to feel seen in the books they read. In her spare time, she is a Mentorship Co-Director at Latinx in Publishing and a Communications and Events Committee Co-Director at People of Color in Publishing. You can find her on Twitter at @pushthepanorama.

Carolina is looking to acquire middle grade and young adult fiction, as well as graphic novels. Her interests cover a variety of genres, including—but not limited—to contemporary, romance, fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, magical realism, horror, and adventure/action stories. No matter the genre, she gravitates towards stories with strong internal conflicts, introspective storytelling, subversive themes, and/or societal critiques. She also always enjoys stories with found families, coming-of-age themes, unbreakable friendships, witty narrators, and strong worldbuilding. As long as a manuscript has a strong voice, she's excited to give the submission a read and is always especially interested in seeing projects by creators from the margins. To read more of her manuscript wishlist, visit her website at www.carolinaiortiz.com


Shelly Romero, Assistant Editor, Scholastic

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Shelly Romero is an assistant editor at Scholastic. She graduated from Stephens College with a bachelor’s degree in English and attended the 2017 NYU Summer Publishing Insti­tute. She is a member of Latinx in Publishing, People of Color in Publishing, and a junior mentor for Representation Matters Mentorship Program. She lives off of coffee, carbs, and pop-culture. To see what she’s reading, watching, or ranting about, find her on Twit­ter @_smromero or check out her website at shellymromero.com (She/Her)

Manuscript Wishlist: I only accepted agented submissions. You can find my wishlist on MSWL at: https://www.manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/shelly-romero/ or at my website.


Mara Delgado-sánchez, ASSISTANT editor, St. martin’s publishing group

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Mara Delgado Sánchez joined St. Martin’s Publishing Group in 2018. Originally from Puerto Rico, she holds a BA in English-Literature from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez and an MFA in Creative Writing from Rosemont College.

Mara is interested in young adult fiction, particularly in all kinds of fantasy, and light, fluffy contemporary. She’s looking for commercial stories with voice that drips off the page, characters she’ll want to follow to the end of the world, and dynamic relationships. She’s an advocate of #ownvoices, and would love to see stories from marginalized writers. In adult, she’s looking for romantic comedies, millennial women’s fiction, and category romance.    

Visit her manuscript wishlist: https://www.manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/mara-delgado-sanchez/


Tiffany colón, Assistant Editor, scholastic


 Tiffany grew up reading books with her feet dangling off fire escapes in Bushwick, Brooklyn. She began her publishing career in adult nonfiction, where she quickly learned she needed a little more magic in her life. She started at Scholastic in 2016 working on the popular Geronimo Stilton property and the magic hasn’t stopped since. Her role has expanded to include other series and MG novels. You can find Tiffany walking her shar pei, Clyde, doing nail art, or rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

I love stories with a lot of grit and honesty and am always on the hunt for authors who are skilled at exploring tough topics in a gentle way. Honest relationships (friendships/family relationships/romantic relationships) are my current kryptonite. The intricacies of them, how they grow, how they end, and the ways in which they shape us. I am a sucker for sassy, witty, and even unreliable narrators/characters. I adore mystery, suspense, and whimsy (including spooky magic).

I am actively looking for more own voices stories centering BIPOC characters. Vist my MSWL website https://www.manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/tiffany-colon/


amanda ramirez, Assistant Editor, simon & schuster Books for Young Readers


Amanda Ramirez joined S&S BFYR in 2016. Prior to that, she was an editor for several literary magazines; a writer for online news, pop culture, and lifestyle outlets; a dedicated children’s bookseller; and—for almost a decade—a food service manager. She received her MFA in 2017. A Nuyorican Long Islander, she can be found napping anytime, anywhere.

Visit her manuscript wishlist here:



alex borbolla, associate editor, Simon & schuster/Atheneum Books for Young Readers

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Alex joined Simon & Schuster as managing editorial assistant but was drawn more to story editing than copyediting, so she moved down the hall to Atheneum Books for Young Readers in May 2016. She loves working on humorous picture books; middle grade complete with heart and hijinks; and YA that pairs literary prose with a commercial hook. Alex is the lucky editor of Linda Ashman, Kira Bigwood, Alexis Castellanos, Margaret Finnegan, Spencer Hall, Jennifer Moffett, Laura Taylor Namey, and Paola Peretti, and also has the privilege of working with Jason Reynolds, Cynthia Kadohata, Sharon Draper, and Alicia D. Williams. Follow her on Twitter @Alex_Borbolla.

Visit her webtise to check out her manuscript wishlist: https://editoralexborbolla.wordpress.com/mswl/

Have recommendations for Latinx editors working in adult publishing? Drop me a line a latinosinpub@gmail.com with the subject line: Latinx Adult Editor and I just might feature them in my next round-up!


Saraciea Fennell is a book publicist, social entrepreneur, and a literary equity activist. She is also the founder of The Bronx is Reading - Bronx Book Festival. Her forthcoming nonfiction YA anthology, WILD TONGUES CAN’T BE TAMED will publishing in Fall 2021 from Flatiron Books. Visit Fennell at www.SaracieaFennell.com and follow her on social @sj_fennell.