Best Latinx Books of 2019

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The Latinx in Publishing team got together to select our favorite books for the year. There were so many wonderful titles this to chose from. Read on to find out which books made it on our best of list for 2019!

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TITLE: My Papi is a Motorcycle/Mi Papi Tiene un Moto
AUTHOR: Isabel Quintero | @isabelinpieces
ILLUSTRATOR: Zeke Peña | @zpvisual
PUBLISHER: Kokila/Penguin | @kokilabooks
“This warm, joy-infused ode to neighborhood, community, and family has been a favorite bedtime read in my household this year. We love Daisy Ramona’s pink unicorn helmet, the love and closeness between her and Papi, and how much you feel like you are riding right along with them. A true masterpiece in both languages.” - Nancy Mercado, Latinx in Publishing, Steering Committee Member

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TITLE: In the Dream House: A Memoir
AUTHOR: Carmen Maria Machado | @carmenmmachado
PUBLISHER: Graywolf Press | @GraywolfPress
“You can always trust that you’re in good hands when reading anything new from Machado, but such an unflinchingly honest examination of abuse within the context of a queer relationship is rarer than rare. Stunningly brilliant and groundbreaking!” - Carolina Ortiz, Latinx in Publishing, Social Media Committee Member

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TITLE: Dealing in Dreams
AUTHOR: Lilliam Rivera | @lilliamr
PUBLISHER: S&S Books for Young Readers | @simonteen
“Rivera’s sophomore novel about girl gangs battling for the favor of Mega City’s beloved founder is an action-packed dystopian tale. I adored the dark and mysterious world of this novel.” - Natassja Haught, Latinx in Publishing, Social Media Member

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TITLE: Gods of Jade and Shadow
AUTHOR: Silvia Moreno-Garcia | @silviamg
PUBLISHER: Del Rey | @DelReyBooks
“It would have been unlikely for a fantasy novel like this—one so steeped in Mexican culture and Indigenous mythology—to even be published in the US ten years ago, let alone get review attention. I love that Moreno=Garcia is pushing the fantasy world in such exciting directions, but equally importantly, she has serious writing chops; this is an epic and beautiful story of a young woman finding her power.” - Sophia Jimenez, Latinx in Publishing, Steering Committee Member

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TITLE: With the Fire on High
AUTHOR: Elizabeth Acevedo | @acevedowrites
PUBLISHER: HarperTeen | @HarperTeen
“Acevedo’s writing hums with deliciousness and love. I felt every emotion Emoni expressed, and my heart and soul were always hungry for more. Plus it was so refreshing to read about a teenage mom who was handling her own, taking care of her baby, her abuela, and still striving to make her dreams come true. This book is a statement for all the Latinx young moms out there that anything is possible despite your circumstances!” - Saraciea J. Fennell, Latinx in Publishing, Steering Committee Member