While some admit it’s a strange time to be releasing a book, others say that with all of us social distancing and quarantine-ing we might have a little more time to read. Thanks to modern technology with all its apps and virtual meet ups, staying connected with our familias and loved ones is a little easier. But all this togetherness with familia 24/7 can be a bit much. Especially if your familia is as invested in your life as some of mine—cue one of my tía’s on a recent familia Zoom, “Ay, mija, why aren’t you dating anyone?”
My usual comeback assures her that I’m so busy racing toward an upcoming book deadline that dating my laptop is about all I can handle.
But this time, when that question came winging at me like a leather chancla, I ducked and realized how thankful I am, now more than ever, to be a romance author. Writing books where conflict is slayed, good wins, and love prevails in stories that feature our Latinx experience and culture.
Many of us in Romancelandia like to think of romance as the genre of hope. I believe our genre offers us a chance to write and read about healthy relationships, which is why it’s important for us to see more Latinx characters…more diversity in general…on our shelves. Readers need to see us all overcoming adversity, fighting for and attaining those healthy, fulfilled relationships. That’s why even though our LatinxRom contingent is small but growing, we still need more…more books about our Latinx comunidad in all its facets, more books written by Latinx authors.
We need those numbers to grow faster.
When I sat down to write this article, I had two goals in mind. First, give a #wepa shout out from my mami’s Puerto Rican side of mi familia to my hero, Luis, and his meddling, loud, supportive Navarro familia in my new Key West-set release ISLAND AFFAIR. Second, to shine a spotlight on other books written by Latinx or diverse authors with Cuban characters as the main protagonists.
http://bit.ly/IslandAffairPO (link for Island Affair)
Here’s the deal though…Remember my mantra from earlier? Just in case, let me repeat it: We need more books about Latinx people, more books written by Latinx authors.
The first time I can remember reading a romance novel that made me feel like I had been dropped into a story world that mirrored my own, I held a book from Kensington’s old Encanto line. That’s where I discovered Caridad Piniero, Berta Platas, Lara Rios, and others. ¡Ave María purísima! Finally, romances by and about our Latinx people and culture. Unfortunately, that line was short-lived. Flash forward to the mid-2000’s when I devoured books like FRIDAY NIGHT CHICAS by Berta, Caridad, Sofia Quintero, and Mary Castillo. Still, so few choices.
Jump ahead to today, and we’re still working to increase our options…but in my bid to spread a little Cuban Latinx book love, here are five titles of note. Some are recent (within the last couple of years) releases. Some will head our way in 2020 (gracias a Dios we have positive news for 2020). All are books you’ll wanna check out!
First up, AMERICAN FAIRYTALE, book 2 in Adriana Herrera’s powerhouse Dreamers series. This book has a clash of two alpha heroes: Camilo Santiago Briggs, a biracial (Cuban Jamaican) NYC social worker, and Thomas Hughes, a self-made millionaire used to getting what he wants. But don’t be deceived, this romance is so much more than a battle of different classes. It’s also a beautiful blending of cultures and outlooks, a moving tale of how our past and internalized pain shape and mold us. It’s sensual, powerful, emotional romance at its finest.
Next on the list is Alyssa Cole’s AN UNCONDITIONAL FREEDOM: AN EPIC LOVE STORY OF THE CIVIL WAR, book 3 in the Loyal League series. Alyssa Cole is a master crafter of contemporary and historical fiction. AN UNCONDITIONAL FREEDOM pairs Janeta Sanchez, a Cuban heroine who is the child of an enslaved woman and the plantation owner who married her, with Daniel Cumberland, a Black man born free in the North but kidnapped and sold into slavery until he was rescued and became a member of the Loyal League, a covert organization of Black spies. When her father is imprisoned by the Union, Janeta is forced to become a double agent in the Loyal League teamed with Daniel. What ensues is a tale of hidden agendas, family loyalty, blurred lines, and healing love. Part historical fiction, part emotionally-compelling romance, overall an exceptional read!
Our third book is a “coming soon” novel by Caridad Piniero. Get ready for a sweet, summer Hallmark beach read featuring the beloved romance trope the older brother’s friend to lovers. SOUTH BEACH LOVE pits our hero and heroine, both chefs, battling it out in their separate bids to help rival teens throw the best quinceañera Miami has ever seen. Let me see…familia traditions and drama woven around two shouldn’t-be lovers whose attraction heats things up in the kitchen? #buenprovecho
The last two books on our list of five are an “already released” and a “coming soon” YA romance. DON’T DATE ROSA SANTOS, Nina Moreno’s spectacular debut, seems to touch on an area of doubt many readers experience in their own lives, some without even realizing it. This YA romance about a teen straddling the life she knows in her small Florida beach town and the life her abuela left behind when she fled Cuba years ago has Rosa questioning which world she fits into. But, it’s more than a simple coming of age story. It’s one about familia, finding and accepting yourself, healing, and growing. As one reviewer says, “It’s a love letter to Cuba through our protagonist’s eyes.” I say, don’t miss it!
And finally, if you’re a fan of Nina Moreno’s writing, it’s sounds like you might also be a fan of this fall 2020 YA release, A CUBAN GIRL’S GUIDE TO TEA AND TOMORROW by Laura Taylor Namey. This story about a Miami teen whose best laid plans for her future suddenly fall apart leading her parents to send her to mentally recuperate with familia friends in small town England sounds like another self-discovery gem. I haven’t read an early copy, but it’s on my radar, and you might want to add it to your “watch for” list.
That’s our 5 Romances with Cuban Characters for you. Next time, I hope we see a big change in the release lists, so that my post on Cuban or Puerto Rican or Afro-Latinx or….you get the picture…becomes more of a listicle with short blurbs and links porque there are too many titles for a longer write-up on each! Now that would be cause for celebration, verdad? #Wepa
Note: Here’s one such list from 2018, “50 Must-Read Romances by Latinx Authors” compiled by Silvana Reyes Lopez for Book Riot.
Priscilla Oliveras is a USA Today bestselling author and 2018 RWA® RITA® double finalist who writes contemporary romance with a Latinx flavor. Proud of her Puerto Rican-Mexican heritage, she strives to bring authenticity to her novels by sharing her Latinx culture with readers. She and her work have earned praise from the Washington Post, New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, Publishers Weekly, and Booklist, amongst others. Priscilla earned her MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University and currently serves as adjunct faculty in the program and teaches the online class “Romance Writing” for ed2go. While she’s a devotee of the romance genre, Priscilla is also a sports fan, beach lover, and Zumba aficionado, who often practices the art of napping in her backyard hammock.
To follow along on her fun-filled and hectic life, visit her on the web at https://prisoliveras.com/books/, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/prisoliveras, or on Twitter and Instagram via @prisoliveras.